So I'm doing a trip in the spring to Vancouver for a study abroad, it is going to awesomeness;basically its a month long road trip, up the west coast into Canada and back down through Montana and Yellowstone. ok so, what dose this has anything to do with these photos?? i We are going to be doing low tech digital photos all along the way and everyone on the trip will "attack" a certain place with their camera phones its going to be sweet! anyway this was a practice run for all of us going on the trip!
Low tech? You are using a telephone that can take pictures, and then use various applications to alter those pictures to look like an analog photo (i.e. a Polaroid) and then remotely upload said images to the internet for viewing on social networks, etc. Sounds pretty high tech to me.
ouch Weston apparently I offended you i am sorry for that
Low tech is a pinhole camera. (not a pinhole camera app.).
I'm just playing.
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